
Kıbrıs Vergi Hizmetinde Neden Ortac Audit Company?

Why Ortac Audit Company in Cyprus Audit Services?

As Ortac Audit Company, the audit services we offer to businesses, backed by the experience we have gained from consulting in numerous sectors, include an independent review of a company's financial statements, financial position, and financial performance.

This service is carried out by our professional audit team and assesses the accuracy, reliability, and compliance of the company’s financial reports. The audit service is performed to ensure compliance with legal regulations and to strengthen the company’s financial management.

The main elements of audit services are as follows:

Independent Audit of Financial Reports

The independent audit process of the company’s annual financial statements. This process includes financial reports such as the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Internal Control Assessment

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the company’s internal control systems. This includes internal control mechanisms established to regulate financial transactions and ensure the accuracy of financial information.

Legal and Compliance Assessment

Evaluation of the company’s compliance with applicable legal regulations and accounting standards. This includes compliance with tax laws, trade laws, and other regulations.

Risk Assessment

Identification of the company’s financial risks and potential issues. The audit process evaluates possible risks that could affect the company’s financial health.


The auditor prepares an audit report at the end of the audit process. This report includes an independent opinion on the company’s financial condition and evaluates whether the financial statements are presented fairly and accurately.

Audit services generally aim to provide reliable financial information for businesses’ stakeholders, shareholders, investors, and other financial institutions. They also help companies strengthen their internal control systems and improve financial management. Audit services are of great importance for companies to maintain sustainable financial strength and make the right decisions while growing.

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